PASSAGES, Inc. was founded in 1980 as The Rape Crisis Center in Clarion County. 
   The first "office" was located in Harvey Hall on the Campus of Clarion State College (now PennWest - Clarion).  It was the idea of Mary Ann (Roseman) Kernich and Teri (Drayer) Rhodes who, due to their jobs as a 911 communications operator and member of the campus security staff, had seen too many cases where individuals had nowhere to go for help after being assaulted. Together they, along with a former Clarion State college student, Julie Copen, coordinated a county awareness seminar to educate the community about sexual violence. Following this seminar, they were convinced that a place for survivors to go for help was needed. With the help of Karen Dupree from the college's foundation office to help seek out a small amount of funding 
​Clarion County's Rape Crisis center was born. 

Prevention And Services for Sexual Assault through Guidance, Empowerment, and Support 

Thank you to our $1,000 Diamond WAm sponsor